Some of our favorite places


I try to update this map monthly, so be sure to bookmark it and come back for updates. If you have questions about any of the places I’ve stayed, don’t hesitate to reach out!


If you’re coming here from my personal blog, Sierra’s Traverse, welcome!

I’m not a fan of re-directing but it was easier to share my map on one page than manage two. This is my business website, so feel free to poke around if you’d like.

So where the heck do Sierra and Snow stay? Well, here’s our map. A checkmark means we were comfortable and safe, and a heart means it’s one of our favorite places and we will be back!

The location pins aren’t necessarily the exact location that we stayed, but they will get you to the general area. It’s more fun to find your favorite spot on your own, anyways.

Snow and I stay on public land 95% of the time. If you chose to camp on public land, please be respectful and follow the rules.

  • Leave no trace, pack in, pack out. This includes toilet paper and your own feces.

  • Only stay on land that allows camping, and only camp in designated places. NEVER make your own spot. It damages the land and can be detrimental to the ecosystem.

  • Always abide by any fire restrictions in place. Use your brain - if it’s windy or seems dry out, just don’t.